Sunday, March 30, 2008

Comments by Nitin Sahasrabudhe

Wow!!! This group has finally woken up. Zopalele sagale khadabadun jaage zaale.

Let's not continue with nicknames. Some of these are not very flattering and after so many years I am sure a bit embarrassing to those individuals.

On old PTV memories, some of the things I remember:

- 10/9 boys team won the volleyball championship for that year. We had a big celebration after this win
- Kabaddi gheltana nehami honara konacha tari 'ganapati bappa'
- Me being the wicket keeper when playing cricket after school hours
- When playing 'sakhali', when two Kulkarni's paired up and formed a sakhali chasing others, Mahesh Apte referring to them as "Two Kulle's" chasing others (ha ha)
- Playing with ball bearing on the desk, and then stopping at the cycle shop on the way back to home from PTV, searching for used ball bearings
- We used to have annual 'sahal' every year, but one year the ST bus we were traveling in had some mechanical problem and went into a ditch by the side of the road. Ever since our annual 'sahal' was cancelled and we used to have 'Jambori Night' instead.
(You can tell I was more interested in sports in PTV than studies)

And the most bizarre of all, the rivalry between girls and boys in class and the two groups not communicating with each other. How strange?

Since we are recalling old PTV memories, I have attached a Marathi Kavita (which I have sent before) to this email with title 'Malaa Punha ekada tari Shaalet Jayachay'. Hope this will help recall more of the PTV stories.


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